Monday, April 11, 2011

Temple Sealing

Saturday, 9 April, was a wonderful day! We got to attend the temple sealing of Jared and Kara Fielding. The groom was dashing and handsome; the bride was gorgeous and beaming. It was so great to be with them in the Rexburg Temple as they faced each other across the altar to become married for time and all eternity.The dinner was the night before the wedding. One of the big hits was cotton candy. Aunt Lynda may have been the first in line -- it's her favorite! Adults and kids alike were in heaven.Some of the cousins were not able to be inside the temple for the sealing, but they waited anxiously outside for them to make their appearance. What a thrill when they come through those doors!Kayden is going to miss his best buddy. Jared has lived with us for the past 8 months and we're all going to miss having him around. He and Kayden were outside shooting hoops every chance they got, and just hanging out a lot. They spent lots of time together and it will be an adjustment. It was hard to let him go.Here are all the cousins who were able to make it. Some were too far away to be there in person, but I know they were there in spirit. Hi, Jason, Kay, Kara and Alvin! We missed you.After the reception, there was a dance. Savanna and Kennedy got to dance with their grandpa. What a treat. Kayden wasn't going to dance with anyone, but got roped into it by his Aunt Julie. I think secretly he enjoyed it.What a great weekend - spending time with those we love most and to be able to enjoy the blessings of the temple. We wish Jared and Kara much joy and happiness as they begin their journey together. We love you!

1 comment:

  1. It's fun to see some pictures! It looks like Alvin & I did miss out, but we're glad the day went well. Thanks for thinking of us!
