Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Making of an Eagle Scout

We are in the "project" phase on the road to Eagle Scout for Kayden. What a journey it's been. Time has gone so quickly. I know it was just yesterday he started as a cub scout - earning those cute little pins to put on his shirt. He can't be here already! We are learning, however, that getting each of those required Merit Badges, and the myriad other milestones he had to make were quite easy compared to this latest task!

He asked around and gathered ideas for his project and found one he really wanted to pursue. The practice field at Lehi Jr. High does not have any benches. He thought team members, coaches, spectators, etc. would greatly benefit from having a few benches along the sidelines. So, we agreed to help him and the process started. He had to fill out the paperwork, get signatures, and meet with the Board first to get the project approved. They approved it (yeah!) and then it was on to the "money making" phase. He and the whole family spent hours asking local businesses for donations, and brainstorming other ways of earning money. That's a post for another time (so not the fun part of the project!) but eventually he received enough funds to get started.

Now he's on to the good part - building the benches. His grandpa and Uncle Dale were here one weekend and helped him get started. They were able to get four put together in a few hours on a Saturday. It's beginning to look like we might actually get through this! Even though Kayden is the chief "boss" and decision maker, it is a family project, too. We are all learning patience and service. We might all grumble and complain a little bit, but seeing Kayden grow and mature and getting through each step in this process has been a big reward for us. He is becoming a man right before our eyes. We can't wait to see the final result, and the process of getting there will be much better than the reward at the end. Kayden's going to make a great leader some day.

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