Saturday, April 30, 2011

Flower Garden

In the Bellagio Hotel on the Strip, there is a room that changes decor with the seasons. We have been lucky enough to see this incredible room in the Fall, Winter, and now Spring. Oh my -- what a gorgeous room! Full of fresh flowers, and lots of color -- a photographer's dream! (Well, a wanna-be photographer. I've always loved taking photos and documenting our life, but never had anything better than a point-and-shoot. I now have a nice dslr camera, but need to learn how to use it. I'm slowly learning - but must confess I still use "auto" mode much more often than I should.)

The kids were not as impressed as I was, and got a little tired of posing for pictures. But they were mostly good sports. Everything was just so awesome and I could have spent lots more time there. There was a little glass-enclosed butterfly house also and there were such incredible butterflies. Can you believe the size of them? So neat. Kayden enjoyed a little water "fountain." It came over the top of the pathway like an arch. He discovered that if he blew on one side, instead of coming out in a perfect stream on the other side, it had little "hiccups" or air bubbles in it. Pretty impressive!Behind Julie and mom is a painting made totally of live, fresh flowers. So beautiful. Heavenly Father made such a wonderful array of flowers and colors for our enjoyment. He loves us! I just love all the color everywhere - and it makes me very happy. You just could not be sad in this room of explosive beauty all around you. So glad we made the stop.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Las Vegas Cheer Finals

Over spring break, we went to Las Vegas for a few days. We had a good time, and it was so nice to have sun and warm weather! The morning we left, it had snowed overnight and it was freezing! We were ready for shorts weather.Kennedy's cheer group was competing at the U.S. Finals on Saturday. Since the competition was over spring break, many of the girls couldn't attend and so they combined some of Kennedy's group with an older group. They only did this about 3 weeks before the competition, so they really didn't have a lot of time to get ready. She had to be there at 8:30 on Saturday morning. I went with her. It cost $20 to get in, so the others opted to do other things while we were there. Her group warmed up and practiced for a while, and then performed about 11 am. Not all of the girls on Kennedy's team are LDS, but her coach is. She always begins every competition by gathering the group into a circle, giving them a pep talk and telling them how great they are and how much she loves them, and then offering a prayer. This is a special time and very touching. We appreciate her coach, and the care and concern she shows for each one. Many of the competitions are held on Saturday and Sunday, but she won't compete on Sunday. That is such a great thing! It's nice to be associated with people who hold your same values and know that the decision has been made beforehand. They did really well and I was very proud of Kennedy. One of the girls could not come last-minute, so her coach asked Kennedy to take her spot. She didn't hesitate but jumped right in and did the "base" of a stunting group.The group placed 4th and had a great time. It's fun to see teams from all over come and compete in one place. An Arizona team ended up in first place. If it had been Kennedy's original group, her coach said they would have placed first! They did so well all year. Kennedy does not like wearing all the makeup that's required. She hates stuff on her eyes! I don't go all out like most of them do, but she is required to have lipstick and glitter eyes.We're glad we went and it was a great excuse for a little mini-vacation. It was 86 degrees when we left Saturday afternoon, and we didn't want to come back to cold, rain and snow!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Utah Elite Volleyball

Savanna's club volleyball season is winding down. They have had their ups and downs. They struggled at the beginning of the season, but have done really well the last couple of tournaments.
Savanna has a great serve and a terrific vertical jump -- she can really get up there to block on the front row! She gives up several inches to some of her teammates, but doesn't let that stop her.

Tournament days can be very long -- going from sun-up to sun-down on Saturdays (and many times including Friday nights). There are many games, and sometimes long waits in between. But win or lose and come what may -- they have a great time! Look how happy they all are. It's contagious!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Freshman Dance

Savanna went to the Freshman Dance several weeks ago. Unfortunately, the rest of us were in Idaho so we were not there to see her in person. We're grateful to Melanie for taking pictures for us. Isn't she beautiful?! She went with her friends and had a great time.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter

We are grateful for the Savior and his atoning sacrifice for each one of us. He lives and loves us. He is our Savior, our Redeemer, our Exemplar, our Brother. I want to live my life so I can return and live with Him one day.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Making of an Eagle Scout

We are in the "project" phase on the road to Eagle Scout for Kayden. What a journey it's been. Time has gone so quickly. I know it was just yesterday he started as a cub scout - earning those cute little pins to put on his shirt. He can't be here already! We are learning, however, that getting each of those required Merit Badges, and the myriad other milestones he had to make were quite easy compared to this latest task!

He asked around and gathered ideas for his project and found one he really wanted to pursue. The practice field at Lehi Jr. High does not have any benches. He thought team members, coaches, spectators, etc. would greatly benefit from having a few benches along the sidelines. So, we agreed to help him and the process started. He had to fill out the paperwork, get signatures, and meet with the Board first to get the project approved. They approved it (yeah!) and then it was on to the "money making" phase. He and the whole family spent hours asking local businesses for donations, and brainstorming other ways of earning money. That's a post for another time (so not the fun part of the project!) but eventually he received enough funds to get started.

Now he's on to the good part - building the benches. His grandpa and Uncle Dale were here one weekend and helped him get started. They were able to get four put together in a few hours on a Saturday. It's beginning to look like we might actually get through this! Even though Kayden is the chief "boss" and decision maker, it is a family project, too. We are all learning patience and service. We might all grumble and complain a little bit, but seeing Kayden grow and mature and getting through each step in this process has been a big reward for us. He is becoming a man right before our eyes. We can't wait to see the final result, and the process of getting there will be much better than the reward at the end. Kayden's going to make a great leader some day.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

4th Grade Utah History Program

At Eaglecrest Elementary, fourth graders learn about Utah history. At the end of the unit, they perform a program for the parents and family to come see. Kennedy was so excited to perform. She asked for weeks if she could be an Indian (they could dress as pioneers, indians, traders, etc.) Since she wanted to be an Indian for Halloween this year, I decided to make her costume early and she could get more use out of it! She made a darling Indian! I was also happy to get a picture of Bridger (to her left). He has been a really good friend since pre-school. We just love Bridge. The program was awesome -- mostly singing, with some narration from a few of the students in between. There were lots of songs and I was impressed that they were able to learn them all. Kennedy was beaming the whole time and really enjoyed it. She was also very happy that her grandma and grandpa happened to come that weekend, so they were able to come watch the program. Kennedy - you were awesome and cute and we love to see you perform!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Temple Sealing

Saturday, 9 April, was a wonderful day! We got to attend the temple sealing of Jared and Kara Fielding. The groom was dashing and handsome; the bride was gorgeous and beaming. It was so great to be with them in the Rexburg Temple as they faced each other across the altar to become married for time and all eternity.The dinner was the night before the wedding. One of the big hits was cotton candy. Aunt Lynda may have been the first in line -- it's her favorite! Adults and kids alike were in heaven.Some of the cousins were not able to be inside the temple for the sealing, but they waited anxiously outside for them to make their appearance. What a thrill when they come through those doors!Kayden is going to miss his best buddy. Jared has lived with us for the past 8 months and we're all going to miss having him around. He and Kayden were outside shooting hoops every chance they got, and just hanging out a lot. They spent lots of time together and it will be an adjustment. It was hard to let him go.Here are all the cousins who were able to make it. Some were too far away to be there in person, but I know they were there in spirit. Hi, Jason, Kay, Kara and Alvin! We missed you.After the reception, there was a dance. Savanna and Kennedy got to dance with their grandpa. What a treat. Kayden wasn't going to dance with anyone, but got roped into it by his Aunt Julie. I think secretly he enjoyed it.What a great weekend - spending time with those we love most and to be able to enjoy the blessings of the temple. We wish Jared and Kara much joy and happiness as they begin their journey together. We love you!