Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Best Day Ever

It's the best day of the year! Oh, how our family loves Christmas Eve. It's a special, sacred day spent together with the ones we love.

Must get a picture of everyone. First the red group - then the green. We're missing a few, whom we dearly wished were there, but don't we look festive? We begin the day around lunchtime at the Kotter's, eating bread and soup. Then we play a few games, maybe watch a short Christmas video. Mid-afternoon it's back to grandma and grandpa's for the talent show. And wow - do we have a lot of talent in this family! Kennedy sang a primary song, which she practiced lots for. It was really cute. Savanna sang a song with Julisa. Julie and I sang a song with the other Julie. Kayden wasn't prepared with his guitar, but for sure next year he will! We then have the first course - hors'douvres. So much yummy food and we have learned to not partake too much as to be ready for the next course! We also have learned that Kayden loves shrimp, and everyone loves bacon-wrapped-chestnuts!

One of the very best moments of the day is when we gather around the table with our individual candles lit and clipped to our plates. One by one, we go around as each shares a "tender mercy" they've experienced in the last year. What a special time this is for all as we learn something about each one and maybe a trial they've gone through, or something else that was meaningful to them. We laugh, we cry, we share our joys and sorrows and our love for the Savior - who brings us daily tender mercies. We are so grateful for this opportunity to think about how blessed we are and look for tender mercies in our lives every day. Savanna, Kayden and Kennedy each did an excellent job of sharing - something not always easy to do in front of others. It was such a delightful time. After the sharing of our tender mercies, it's on to our main course. Grandma has learned not to change many things about the dinner - can't mess with tradition! We have had Christmas Eve potatoes for as long as I can remember. Some people call them funeral potatoes, but not in our family. We had them on this day long before they became popular for funerals! We also have homemade rolls, a couple different kinds of meats, salad, veggies, fresh fruit. Dessert is saved until later. Everyone in the family has a job, so getting things on the table, and getting it cleaned up, goes very smoothly. We all know our job and get right to it. Sometimes our water boy complains a bit about how much we drink, but he's always good to keep our glasses filled up. Thanks, Paul! Santa also made a timely visit this year - and all of the "kids" got to take a turn sitting on his lap.
After dinner, and cleanup, it's time to start the program. Each family has come prepared with a skit, poem, story, etc. to share. We've laughed at the many antics of the "Ant" family for many years now - even though they were missing a couple of ants this year. (And we all missed them - hope you can make it next year!) We also get many laughs when the Fielding's perform - and hope we get to hear Paul sing. Not his favorite, but he's a good sport. We added three new links to our eternal family chain (welcome Alvin, Cahlin and McKinley) and listened as the nativity was acted out. We end with family prayer and then on to dessert. Seriously - the best day of the year! We really treasure this day and are so grateful for loving, inspired parents who have made this day so spiritual and wonderful for us. It takes many hours of preparation and thought, and it truly is treasured by all.The kids all go to sleep in the same bedroom. They say they're waking up at 6:00 but we have our doubts. They are not morning people! However, they set their alarms (three different ones) and woke us up at 6 am on the dot. Oh what excitement filled the air. They could hardly wait to open gifts! We gathered around and looked through our stockings, and then took turns as each one opened a gift and shared what they got. It takes a while when there are 7 people opening, but we were done about 7:30. Our breakfast had been cooking in the oven while we opened, so we then got to sit down to a warm breakfast casserole. The perfect morning! The kids all loved what they received and were grateful for everything. Christmas is a special time of year. How grateful we are for our Savior and his love and sacrifice for us. He is the reason for the season, and we are so grateful to have him in our hearts and thoughts this time of year. It's our goal to keep that spirit all year long.


  1. What a fun family you have...I love the tender mercies tradition. I may just have to borrow that one from you. What lucky kid you have:)

  2. Wish we could have been there more on Christmas Eve but there's always next year. This reminds me that I haven't put any of our Christmas pictures up on our blog yet. I better get to it!

  3. I have always LOVED hearing about your Christmas traditions!! They are so fun! We use those candles clipped to the plates for our dinner too--but I am going to have to borrow your tender mercies tradtion! That is beautiful!! I sure do miss you two!! lots of love from TN
