Sunday, January 23, 2011

Newest Teenager

We have a new teenager in the house! Kayden turned 13 on the 4th of January. He was pretty excited. He wanted money so that he could buy a new longboard. (However, he later changed his mind and bought an airsoft gun, since he realized he couldn't get much use out of the longboard for a few months!) He also received a new acoustic/electric guitar. He has been taking lessons for a while, but on a three-quarter size. It's time he got a full-size!

Notice the one sock on, one sock off? I don't know why he does this, but it's a frequent occurrence. I tease him about it all the time because it would drive me nuts! He says it's no big deal. Whatever.

We are grateful for Kayden in our family. He's obedient, a peacemaker, and such a calming influence in our home. He's been working hard in Scouts and on his Duty to God goals. He gets good grades in school and enjoys sports. He perseveres. We love you, Kayden!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, nothing like a teenage boy roaming the house...they are the BEST!!!
