Friday, December 3, 2010

BYU Football

Are these some of the cutest BYU football fans you've seen?We are a BYU football-loving family. We support our team through rain and snow, thick and thin (and there has been a lot of thin this year!). There's nothing quite like being in the stadium with 65,000 other fans cheering your team on. The atmosphere is electric! We train all the kids at a very young age to cheer on the white and blue. So far it's working.It was a sad day at our house when we lost to Utah by one point. But better days are ahead and we'll get them next year. Go BYU!

1 comment:

  1. We believe in brainwashing from a young age at our house too...because a well trained cougar fan usually ends up wanting to attend BYU as well! GO COUGS!
