Thursday, December 2, 2010


I found this piece of artwork on a table in our family room where Kayden keeps all of his "treasures." I don't know when or where he created it - but I suspect it was in a lesson for church. It is so fitting - each descriptive word fits him perfectly. Kayden brings so much to our family - he's quiet and unassuming, and doesn't like to stand out in a crowd. But he's very grateful and is always the first to express his thanks for a meal that is served, or when we take them somewhere, or for any and everything. He does have the attribute of never giving up. He is a great example of this daily. He is so kind - especially with younger children. Look at this picture of him and McKinley! I'm thankful that I found this little treasure of his and that it can remind me of his cute personality. Love you much, Kayden!

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