Wednesday, June 29, 2011

First 5K

Savanna ran her first 5K on Saturday. It was part of the Lehi celebration week. Her volleyball coach had asked the girls to run two 5K races this summer. Although all smiles in this picture, she was pretty nervous!And they're off! There was quite a crowd of runners - some running the 5K and others the 10K. Savanna said she saw parts of Lehi she hadn't seen before, and they were out in the country with farms and cows. But at least it wasn't hilly.Julie stayed to watch her come in and get pictures. I went back home and came back with Kayden, Kennedy, Jordan and Cahlin. We pulled up towards the end of the race just in time to see her grand finish. She really pushed at the end and went all out to finish strong.She was tired, but happy to have completed it and in a good time (34 minutes).

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