Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Be Mine

I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day. I had great visions in my head of what dinnertime would be - but all did not go according to plan! It was a busy night with Savanna at volleyball, Kayden at basketball and Kennedy at cheer. Three places to be and two drivers made for a hectic evening! We didn't all assemble together until about 7:30. So our Valentines evening together was short, but sweet.I wanted the table set with our nice china and goblets and candles . . . and a red tablecloth. (Even a simple dinner like pizza tastes better on your best plates, am I right?) Well, the red tablecloth we have only fits our table when smaller. So, I had to also put a blue one with it (yes, I did not plan ahead and so had zero time to find another option). Not quite the same affect! Kayden didn't like eating by candlelight (couldn't see his food!), and Kennedy was mad because I got pepperoni pizza and she likes Hawaiian. But it was heart-shaped, so I thought that would appease her. She didn't cheer up for a while, so trying to get her to cooperate for pictures was not happening. (And taking pictures at this time of day - inside with no natural light? Not my finest photography moment.) I had pink lemonade for our glasses, but the sentiment was lost on everyone until I pointed it out. Come on people - get on board with me here!Although a simple dinner, we did finish it off with chocolate fondue - which we hadn't had before. It was a success! My neighbor had a fondue pot which she loaned to me and it was a lot of fun. We had lots of items to dip: fresh strawberries and pineapple, pretzels, marshmallows, pound cake, and cinnamon bears. All were yummy - but we agreed that the pretzels were our favorite. The salty pretzel with the chocolate was a great combination. Kennedy was in heaven - as chocolate is her most favorite thing in the world. I think she was covered from head to toe. She especially loved the strawberries. (And I think it takes some concentration to dip those small foods - as evidenced by Savanna's tongue in just the right spot.)
By the time dinner was over and cleaned up, our evening was almost gone. We had to get Kennedy to bed, and Savanna needed to study for a test the next day. So, we presented the kids with a small valentine's gift and called it good. Although the evening was not as picture-perfect as I had planned and envisioned, I was with the ones I love most - and that's what matters, right?!! I love you.

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