Friday, August 27, 2010

First Day of School

School started this week. It was bittersweet! We had a great summer, filled with lots of fun times. We got used to staying up late, sleeping in, and having no schedule. Lots of carefree days - after chores of course! -- and weekend adventures. Now it's back to schedules, routine, homework, sports practices, piano, guitar, etc. Why does summer go by so fast?

Kayden joined the ranks of junior high - no more elementary for him! He was very excited, and a little nervous. It was hard to watch him go. I asked if I could follow him and make sure he got to his classes, and figured out the lunch thing, and just generally was okay. It was a very resounding "No!" He wouldn't even let me follow him to the bus stop for pictures. So embarrassing, you know. I'm lucky he let me take this one in front of the house. As soon as I snapped it, he turned and started running and I got a big lump in my throat. He did turn around and wave once, with a big grin on his face. He was ready - but I was not. Time goes by so quickly.

Doesn't Kennedy look so grown up? She's going to be a heartbreaker, that's for sure. She is now in the 4th grade. She could hardly wait and was counting down the days and hours until school started. She loves her teacher and has a few buddies in her class. She says she's happy that she's the only one in our family at the elementary school, but secretly I think she wishes her brother was still there. Me too! Someone needs to be there to watch out for her, don't you think?

Savanna is in 9th grade, which is still in the junior high. (So she can be there to take care of Kayden!) She's a beautiful young lady. We appreciate her so much in our family. She's responsible, giving, hard-working and takes care of her siblings.

So, another summer come and gone and a new beginning in each of the children's lives. I hope they remember who they are and "stand for something." The jr. high can be a place where bad language can be found, and inappropriate behavior. Hopefully they can be an example of good. Here's to a great school year!

1 comment:

  1. They are soo beautiful! The picture of Kayden is especially striking...leaving boyhood behind is soo painful! Hope the lump in your throat is easing up! You have done such an amazing job of raising them and I'm sure they will stand up for what they know!
