Thursday, August 5, 2010

Faith in Every Footstep

There are lessons for us in every footstep they took—lessons of love, courage, commitment, devotion, endurance, and, most of all, faith.
Savanna was recently able to go on Trek with the youth and leaders from our ward. Their theme was "Nothing to fear . . ." based on a talk by Russell M. Ballard: "If you will be faithful, you have nothing to fear from the journey." This was a 3-day journey to Martin's Cove in Wyoming. They were teamed up as "families" and got to dress in pioneer clothing and re-enact some of the events the Saints faced while traveling west to Utah. They had to help push and pull a handcart and experience some of the same trials as those who had gone before many years before -- in the heat and wind and sand they journeyed on. One of the days, they walked 11 miles. It was hard! The youth were able to get a tiny taste of what it would have been like to be a pioneer then. Savanna came back with wonderful stories of faith and hardship and perseverance. She came back a better person, with a greater apprecation of what it would have been like to be a part of that group of Saints. What pain and suffering they all went through. Many of them didn't make it and many buried loved ones along the trail. One pioneer recorded in their journal:
We came to know God through our trials.
I think this is true in all of our lives today--I know it is in mine. God never leaves our side--but it seems like I seek him out more when I am struggling. I come to know him more through better scripture study and fervent prayer. He can literally take the weight off our shoulders, if we let Him.Savanna and the group also got to cross the Sweetwater River. When the original pioneer company crossed this river, a few of the men took it upon themselves to carry the rest of the group across - one by one. It was winter and the water was icy cold. These men later lost their lives to the effects of that day. I think of this quote when I think of their sacrifice. President Thomas S. Monson stated: "I believe the Savior is telling us that unless we lose ourselves in service to others, there is little purpose to our own lives. Those who live only for themselves eventually shrivel up and figuratively lose their lives, while those who lose themselves in service to others grow and flourish--and in effect save their lives."

I am grateful that Savanna got this opportunity and am so thankful to great leaders who lead by example and sacrifice and service so these youth could walk on this sacred ground. Elder Ballard says, "Is there a lesson in the pioneer experience for us today? I believe there is. The faith that motivated the pioneers of 1847 as well as pioneers in other lands was a simple faith centered in the basic doctrines of the restored gospel, which they knew to be true. That’s all that mattered to them, and I believe that is all that should matter to us. Our faith needs to be focused on the fundamental truths that God lives, that we are His children, and that Jesus Christ is His Only Begotten Son and He is our Savior."

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