Saturday, March 19, 2011

Junior Jazz

More basketball! Do you think we like it around our house?! Kayden played Jr. Jazz this year on a 7th and 8th grade team (#33). He did well and it was fun to go to his games. He is a defensive specialist and rarely goes through a game without a few steals. He is also a terrific free throw shooter. He enjoys playing and his coach was the same one he had for football, and he likes him a lot. They won their first game in the tournament (against a much bigger and taller team!) and then lost their next two so they are done. We'll miss watching him play. He's also played on the Deacon's team and really enjoys that. He likes playing with his buddies. He goes out on the sport court daily and practices shooting - and plays h-o-r-s-e and Speed (Lightning) with Jared frequently. He's beat him a few times!

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