Monday, March 21, 2011

Sunday afternoons

Just another lazy Sunday afternoon after church. Sisters resting on the couch -- playing a game on the ipad and hanging out together. Love these two sweet girls!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Flash All Stars -- Flames

Kennedy's cheer team has done so well this year! They have placed first in all three of their competitions. They qualified for Nationals in Florida (but the team opted not to go -- these girls are too young for that). They also qualified for Nationals in Las Vegas. It's in April and we will be going there. Much closer to home and we can drive and take the whole familyShe is such a joy to watch. She has really excelled on this team and she just shines when she gets "on stage." The coach always puts her front and center. She's got a lot of natural talent when it comes to performing and dance. She also has excelled in the tumbling and can do a triple backhandspring, plus other things. Her team has performed during half-time at a couple of Utah Flash games and it's fun for those opportunities. She loves it and it shows..

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Junior Jazz

More basketball! Do you think we like it around our house?! Kayden played Jr. Jazz this year on a 7th and 8th grade team (#33). He did well and it was fun to go to his games. He is a defensive specialist and rarely goes through a game without a few steals. He is also a terrific free throw shooter. He enjoys playing and his coach was the same one he had for football, and he likes him a lot. They won their first game in the tournament (against a much bigger and taller team!) and then lost their next two so they are done. We'll miss watching him play. He's also played on the Deacon's team and really enjoys that. He likes playing with his buddies. He goes out on the sport court daily and practices shooting - and plays h-o-r-s-e and Speed (Lightning) with Jared frequently. He's beat him a few times!

Friday, March 18, 2011


Yeah - he shoots from there!Our family has totally got caught up in Jimmer-mania. It's been so fun to follow the team and watch him as often as possible. He is a once-in-a-lifetime talent. Wow - he's so good. And he plays for our beloved BYU Cougars!We've watched him on TV for four years now, but hadn't seen him in person (except for a few games early in his career). He is the college scoring leader this season (at over 28 points per game) and is up for National Player of the Year. And he's right in our own backyard! So, Jordan and Cahlin got tickets for all of us and we went to see their second-to-last home game of the season. We were all so excited and it was fun to be together. Kaitlin, Kendal and Jared were also there -- ten of us all together!We hadn't been to a home game for a couple of seasons and it's pretty impressive - almost like being at a Utah Jazz game! It's loud and crazy. They have the music pumped up and turn off the lights - then these huge sheets hang down and they project images and clips from games onto them. So impressive! Lots of dancers, cheerleaders, flags, etc. on the floor as they introduce the team. Unfortunately, the team did not do so well. We only had one loss in conference play, and it was to this same team (New Mexico). Not only did we lose, but the other team really whipped us. No excuses, but BYU did lose their second-best player the day before the game and I think not only did they miss him on the floor, but their hearts just weren't in the game. Jimmer had a good game - and scored over 30 points. It was fun to see him.A few days later, we were lucky enough to have two tickets for their last home game. Tickets have been hard to come by this season - with the games selling out! Kayden and I went and were we ever glad we did. It was such a spectacular game. We beat Wyoming by a lot and scored over 100 points. They won the conference championship and so were presented with the trophy afterwards - and were sporting their new tshirts. Then they cut down the nets. We stayed for the celebration afterwards and it was so fun to be a part of. The Marriott Center was rocking and all the fans were going crazy. It was a day we'll always remember.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

March Madness

It's here - the best time of the year for basketball junkies! There are a few at our house that aren't crazy about watching basketball, but there are others of us who love it. This year there is an added excitement since BYU got such a great seed (#3) and hopefully does well. We have all filled out our brackets and are ready to watch. This is serious business - we are after all competing for the winner's favorite caramel apple at the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory! All six of us participating picked BYU to make it to the Final Four - and four of us picked them as eventual NCAA champions. (Maybe picking with our hearts instead of our heads - but we have to go for our favorite boys in blue!)Here's to hoping we have a great run. It will be a little crazy at our house in the next few days as we get as many games in as we can. Go Cougars!