Monday, November 1, 2010


I could easily spot him in the game due to his long-sleeve gray sleeves. It was nice!

Kayden's football team is still going strong. They made the playoffs and won their first game quite handily (29-6). It was a very cold night, and very muddy, but they played so well and it is so satisfying to see them improving and ending strong. All the boys were tough and none complained about the less than ideal conditions. In fact, it was all the parents and spectators who were whining!

The field was a muddy mess! We woke up to a few inches of snow that morning. There was one game before Kayden's on the same field, and the middle of the field was nothing but a mud pit! I'm not sure we'll ever get his shoes clean. We had to wash his jersey twice, and it still showed some signs of mud.

1 comment:

  1. Wow--Kayden looks so grown up and tough in the football uniform! Connor and TJ LOVE football too! It sounds like it was a cold and messy game--i am sure the boys loved that! At least the mud part:)
