Sunday, February 19, 2012


We live in such a great neighborhood with wonderful friends and neighbors. We truly feel blessed to be surrounded by such good people whom we look up to and who enrich our lives.

On Valentine's Day, a sweet couple (who have recently gone through a very difficult trial in their lives) showed up at our door with this cute cake. They told us how they admire us and think highly of us and wanted to thank us for all we do. It made our night! So thoughtful of them.

It made me think about how I need to act more on ideas and promptings I get. I often have such good intentions, but don't always follow through. This family really blessed our lives and it meant a lot to us. I hope I can follow their good example.

Friday, February 17, 2012

School Dance

Kennedy went on a "date" to the school dance with her cousin, Jared. She was so excited! She wanted to coordinate what they were wearing and be official. She had a blast. They danced the night away and then after he took her to Burger King for dinner and Kneader's for a cookie. She felt pretty special and was on high all night. We're grateful for good people in our lives who step in when needed. What a great guy. Don't they look cute?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

He's Fourteen!

Kayden turned 14, just one day before Savanna turned 16! I couldn't talk him into a party, or even just inviting a couple of friends to go do something. He wanted low-key. He chose Panda Express for his birthday dinner and wanted brownies instead of cake. However, when we got back from dinner he was too full to have any. We blew out candles, anyway.

Kayden had a big growth spurt this year. People who haven't seen him for a few months can't believe how tall he's getting! He passed up his sister, which she was NOT happy about. He gets good grades, and works hard for straight A's. He is the man of the house, and we are so grateful for his worthiness to hold the priesthood, and the way in which he honors it. He's a good friend and enjoys hanging out with his buddies. He likes to walk to Burger King with his friends -- especially on Whopper Wednesday! He played football last fall (for the second year) and loved it. He had a few touchdowns -- one the length of the field! He LOVES to scare people and find Julie and Jill easy targets and so does it often. He likes to tease his sisters. He earned his Eagle Scout award several months ago and we were so proud of him. He is quiet, but a joy to have around. We are so lucky he is in our family!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sweet 16

Wow how time flies. Savanna has been counting down the days to her 16th birthday for a long time and it finally arrived. She was beyond excited. She had a fun day. I took her to breakfast at Kneader's before school. I met her at school and took her and a friend (Anna) to lunch at Cafe Rio. She wanted to wait to go out for her birthday dinner the next night when grandma and grandpa would be here, so I just went to Kneader's and picked up her favorite thing there -- the chicken salad croissant. She got to open her gifts, but had to wait a couple of days until we went to the mall for the rest of her things. One request which was on both her Christmas and birthday list was TOMS (shoes). Not wanting to pick them out and get the wrong ones, we went to the mall together and she got them, plus picked out new clothes. She also got a new straightener (which is wonderful for her hair!) and misc. other things she wanted. She didn't want a big party or anything, so just invited a few friends over later for cake and ice cream.
Savanna is a beautiful 16-year-old and has many great qualities. She is so responsible and trustworthy. When we give her a task or ask her to do something, she is always very willing and goes above and beyond to do it right. She is happy and exuberant and her laughter is contagious. She lives life to the fullest. She is humble and diligent. She worked hard recently to finish the requirements and earned her Young Womanhood medallion. We were very proud of her. She works hard to get good grades. She's always loved the color orange and it really reflects her personality. She's slightly obsessed with Kyle Korver and Justin Bieber and if she can't be found, is usually in her room dancing with her ipod. She loves music! She is such a great example for her two younger siblings. Kennedy wants to be just like her, and we tell her all the time that's a good thing! She is a good friend and a leader. She's always been independent.
We love you, Savanna. Thank you for adding so much joy and happiness to our home. Happy Sweet 16!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Newest Driver in the House

Savanna has been waiting for this day for a long time! She was so excited to get her driver's license. She really wanted to go on the day of her birthday, but her driver's ed teacher was not in to give her the paperwork so we went the day after. The driver license division is not a fun place to be -- long lines, crowds of people and lots of being redirected, but she is now official! At first we weren't too sure if we wanted her to drive -- additional cost of gas and insurance, not to mention the worry!! But it's actually been very nice to have another driver. She's still willing to run to the store, or pick up a sibling or take them somewhere they want to go, etc. Hope she's still willing when she's past the "new and fun" stage.