Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fourth Grade Volleyball

One sport down -- two to go! Kennedy's volleyball season is over and her team did great! They didn't lose a game. Kennedy was a great server - and not only that, but she looked good doing it! She had lots of fun and was sad to see the season end. Kennedy with her post-tournament medal, donut, and smile of happiness! What more do you need?

Friday, October 29, 2010


To live with gratitude in our hearts is to touch heaven.
Thomas S. Monson

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Ah! There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.
--Jane Austen--

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Just think lovely thoughts and they will lift you up in the air.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Grandpa-Kennedy Activity

There was a party held for the activity girls (ages 8-11) a couple of weeks ago and Kennedy was lucky enough to get to go on this date with her grandpa! It was a Hawaiian luau, and Kennedy was so excited. She carefully picked out a festive outfit and was ready with plenty of time to spare. I'm sure they were the first ones at the party! They had dinner, played games, and had a fun time. We feel very blessed to have such a wonderful grandpa. The kids so enjoy being with their grandparents. They love him very much and he's such a great example to them. We're grateful for all that he teaches and does for us. He's the best grandpa ever!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Kennedy's Cheer

Kennedy had her first cheer performance last weekend. She is so fun to watch! She just radiates joy and enthusiasim. She's a natural performer. She is a leader on her team and the girls all look to her. She is learning new skills and has mastered the back handspring - and almost has the double back handspring down. We are so grateful for her zest for life and the happiness she brings to our home. She brings so much JOY and CHEER to all around her.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Lehi Football

If your jersey is that dirty, that means you're playing well, right?! Kayden is doing great in his first year in football. We are so enjoying watching him play.

He has been playing defensive end and on special teams. His coach said he's very fast, so he can get around the corner and get to the quarterback or running back quickly!
The games have been played in a beautiful setting. Look at those mountains backdrop! Plus we get to sit right up close to the action - just a few feet from the sidelines. Can't do that at the BYU Stadium!
He's been a dedicated player. He never complains about going to practice, or having to miss things because of it. He's learned how to sacrifice for the team. He works hard and is improving. His team is really good and they've only lost one game. Go, Lehi!

Friday, October 1, 2010


Look at these pretty jars of salsa! I don't love the process of canning, but love the final product. Our family really enjoys salsa and it's so great during the winter months to pull a bottle out of the pantry - made with your own fresh ingredients so you know what's in it! I love hearing the "pop" as the bottles seal. We're very grateful to a mom who taught us some canning skills, and who never tires of us calling her in the middle of the job in a panic! Even long-distance, she can still talk us through it.

We have a few garden boxes in our yard that we like to plant with yummy vegetables and fruit (strawberries!). We also want the kids to learn how to work, and how to plant a garden, and where food comes from. They don't enjoy it very much, but are usually willing to pitch in. However, they do enjoy the fruits of their labors. It's so satisfying when all your hard work pays off and you enjoy the harvest. We were also grateful for the generosity of some great neighbors who had extra tomatoes! Ours were just coming on, but we didn't have enough. Bring on winter - we'll be prepared with our garden-fresh salsa!