Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Friday, April 27, 2012


I found a school paper of Kayden's that I was going to throw away. It was an application to be a peer mentor. I started reading it and was touched by what he wrote. The first question asked them to "describe a person who made a significant impact in your life and what qualities he/she possessed." Kayden's response:
My grandpa has a significant impact in my life. He is strong, helpful, smart and very hard working. I hope to be as hard working and helpful as he is.
It was just a few words, but his response really touched me. His grandpa has been an important part of his life and I was happy that he saw those qualities in him and wants to be like him. What a great role model he is for Kayden - and there isn't anyone better he could grow up to be like! (P.S. -- those are the Grand Tetons behind them. Aren't they beautiful!)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring is in the Air!

Spring Clip Art

Yesterday was the first day we did not turn the heat on in our home! Over 24 hours without the furnace going - it was so great. It got chilly downstairs, but upstairs was just right. We've had a mild winter, but it's still so great to see sign of spring -- buds on the trees, and tulips/daffodils springing up from the ground, flip-flops and capris, kids playing outside, seeing our neighbors after months of hibernation -- oh how we love spring!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


We live in such a great neighborhood with wonderful friends and neighbors. We truly feel blessed to be surrounded by such good people whom we look up to and who enrich our lives.

On Valentine's Day, a sweet couple (who have recently gone through a very difficult trial in their lives) showed up at our door with this cute cake. They told us how they admire us and think highly of us and wanted to thank us for all we do. It made our night! So thoughtful of them.

It made me think about how I need to act more on ideas and promptings I get. I often have such good intentions, but don't always follow through. This family really blessed our lives and it meant a lot to us. I hope I can follow their good example.

Friday, February 17, 2012

School Dance

Kennedy went on a "date" to the school dance with her cousin, Jared. She was so excited! She wanted to coordinate what they were wearing and be official. She had a blast. They danced the night away and then after he took her to Burger King for dinner and Kneader's for a cookie. She felt pretty special and was on high all night. We're grateful for good people in our lives who step in when needed. What a great guy. Don't they look cute?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

He's Fourteen!

Kayden turned 14, just one day before Savanna turned 16! I couldn't talk him into a party, or even just inviting a couple of friends to go do something. He wanted low-key. He chose Panda Express for his birthday dinner and wanted brownies instead of cake. However, when we got back from dinner he was too full to have any. We blew out candles, anyway.

Kayden had a big growth spurt this year. People who haven't seen him for a few months can't believe how tall he's getting! He passed up his sister, which she was NOT happy about. He gets good grades, and works hard for straight A's. He is the man of the house, and we are so grateful for his worthiness to hold the priesthood, and the way in which he honors it. He's a good friend and enjoys hanging out with his buddies. He likes to walk to Burger King with his friends -- especially on Whopper Wednesday! He played football last fall (for the second year) and loved it. He had a few touchdowns -- one the length of the field! He LOVES to scare people and find Julie and Jill easy targets and so does it often. He likes to tease his sisters. He earned his Eagle Scout award several months ago and we were so proud of him. He is quiet, but a joy to have around. We are so lucky he is in our family!